Thursday, December 5, 2019

Journey to Bethlehem

We headed out as a family early this evening to attend one of my favorite, holiday activities:  the living nativity hosted by a large, Adventist church in Auburn.  I learned about this incredible, Christmas event way back in December 2012.  Although we have attended a few times since then, we were unable to go last year because it was cancelled due to some unfinished construction projects.  I was excited to take the children after a two year break and to have Ron join us for the first time since 2013.  We ate an early dinner and then headed out to Auburn in rush hour traffic.  We arrived a few minutes late for our 5:30 reservation, but luckily we did not have to wait very long in the chapel before our group number was called.  As always, we had an amazing time going on this 45 minute tour with our two guides navigating our ways through the streets of Bethlehem, the sheperd's' fields, and finally to the stable where baby Jesus was laying in his mother's arms.  The three older children ate up every minute of this experience and Emmett was a total champ sitting happily in his stroller the entire time.  We finished off the evening with some hot cider and freshly baked cookies in the reception room.  It was a wonderful experience for everyone and I loved that it gave our three older children an opportunity to remember what this Christmas season is really all about.

The real camel that was kept next to the tent where the wisemen were located.

Some of the merchants selling their goods inside the markets of Bethlehem.

Another merchant trying to sell us her wares.

We witnessed a Jewish wedding in another tent during our tour.

The real baby cuddled in the arms of his mother in the stable at the end of our journey.

Our adorable baby all wrapped up in blankets during our journey outside.

The kiddos and me pose for a group pic before heading back to our car.

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