Thursday, January 12, 2023

Emmett's 4-Year Update

Sweet Emmett proudly showing off the name tag he wrote at the beginning of our library story time last week.

Emmett has really gotten better at writing his name recently.  This is the best that I have ever seen!

This darling, little boy of mine turn four years old yesterday.  I simply cannot believe how fast these past four years have flown by.  In keeping with tradition, this 4-year old post will be Emmett's last one as this is when I stopped recording Logan's and Ella's progress on my blog.  Life is just too busy and it is time to take this off of my to-do list.  So, with that said, here is my last update on my last-born...
Emmett is simply the happiest, little boy around.  If he is not in pain or fighting with a sibling, he is always excited and enthusiastic about everything.  He has the hugest smile and is game for anything.  People love Emmett and comment on his infectious and happy personality all the time.  In addition, Emmett has really outgrown 95% of the disobedient streak that started right before his third birthday.  He has become such an obedient and agreeable boy.  He normally obeys me the first time I ask him to do something which has made my life so much easier.  Unlike his older brother at this age, he make transitions between activities really easily throughout the day and really has no problem doing things like turning off the TV to eat lunch or getting ready to run an errand.  In addition, Emmett is still a great sleeper and usually sleeps ten hours most nights from 9/9:30 p.m. to 7/7:30 a.m.  Amazingly, he also went back to taking his daily nap the day the kids all returned to school in September.  I couldn't believe it when I peaked in on him a few minutes after laying him down to find him asleep in his bed with his blankets perfectly untouched from where I placed them on him when I tucked him in.  He has taken his afternoon nap faithfully every single school day since then.  The only difference this school year is that we usually let him skip his nap on the weekends when all of the children are home from school.  He normally is really tired by bedtime and falls asleep without making a peep when he is put to bed.  He normally will sleep through the night most nights except when he wakes up and comes into my room to ask me to "fix his blankets" which has become very important to him.
Emmett is also a pretty large boy for his age.  At his annual check-up, he weighed 42 pounds which put him in the 88th percentile for weight and he also measured 42.25 inches which put him in the 86th percentile for height.  Emmett is still a great eater and will eat a healthy-sized breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day.  He also will eat most most foods that I give him including meats and vegetables which were not his siblings' favorite foods at this age.  He especially loves eggs (scrambled, hardboiled, and fried) and would eat them three times a day if he was allowed to.  Emmett still loves trains, trucks, planes, and anything construction.  He also loves coloring and painting.  He is very social and enjoys weekly playdates with a few different friends.  Although we don't get to see his first friend, Luke, very often (due to his younger brother, Calvin, attempting to scratch Emmett's eyes two different times this fall), we have enjoyed getting to know two boys from preschool, Raylan and Auggie, who we see on a regular basis.  Emmett also loves playing with his siblings and can spend hours playing with Ella who I am so grateful for as she still thinks that it is "fun" instead of "work" to play with her younger brother.  Emmett is an extremely active boy and is really coordinated compared to other kids his age.  He loves running, jumping, riding his scooter and bike, and kicking and throwing a ball.  Emmett absolutely loves preschool and his wonderful teacher, Miss Sammi.  He literally runs into preschool every Tuesday and Thursday morning when I drop him off.  He also has enjoyed his second session of swim lessons at the Y and just moved up to the second level this week when he finished off his current swim session.  Emmett also still absolutely loves his screen time every day and still favors some shows on Disney Plus (Spidey and His Amazing Friends, Bluey, Puppy Dog Pals, Firebuds, and SuperKitties) instead of watching animated movies.  Emmett still loves being read to every single day before naptime and bedtime and has an amazing vocabulary and speaks with excellent clarity.  He really is quite advanced verbally and I really think that a lot of that has to do with the fact that he has three older siblings who talk to him all the time when they are home.
Overall, Emmett is just such a joy and a pleasure.  I honestly could not have asked for a better youngest child in my crazy and busy life.  I am so grateful for how well-behaved his is and how well he rolls with things.  He is such a blessing in my life and I love him so much!  Happy 4th birthday, baby!

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