Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Start of Logan's Basketball Season

After Logan wrapped up his 4th grade basketball season last March, I promised him that he would be done playing basketball forever after not having the best of seasons.  Although he really enjoyed being on a team with all boys from his school and really enjoyed the practices, the games were a bit more intense than his pace and left him feeling discouraged afterwards since he had very few opportunities to handle and shoot the ball.  However, after learning this fall that his beloved soccer coach was moving back to coach in the parks and rec league, I immediately signed Logan up to play another season since I though he would love being on Coach Ben's team with two of his best friends, Bennett and Benton.  Unfortunately, I learned soon afterwards that this assumption was incorrect as Logan still did not want to play basketball even with his favorite coach at the helm and his good friends at his side.  So, sadly, I sent Logan off to his first practice last month very upset and unhappy with me.  Although he has always come home from practice with a smile on his face, Logan has never admitted to me that he has had any fun and he was very cranky this morning when Ron drove him to his first game early for warm ups.  I then joined Ron with the rest of the kids for the first 3/4 of Logan's game before Lia and I had to slip out a few minutes early so that she could get to her to auditions for the 101 Dalmatians play on time.  Although I knew that Logan was not happy about being there, I was impressed with how hard he was trying on the court.  He ran fast, guarded his opponent, and went for the rebounds every time he was near the basket and, even though he never made a basket, he handled the ball several times and gave this first game his all.  And although I have have promised Logan over and over that I will neve register him for basketball again, I am still grateful for the chance it gives him twice a week to get out of the house and exercise and be with friends during the wettest, darkest, and dreariest time of the year around here!

Logan guarding his opponent who has the ball.

Logan running to block the ball.

Dribbling away while being guarded.

Logan running down the court.

Trying to stop the pass.

Logan dribbling around the key.

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