Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Emmett's 4th Birthday!

We wrapped up Emmett's fourth birthday tonight after celebrating it in a few different stages.  Emmett was so excited about this birthday and has been counting down the days until his birthday party and his actual birthday for several days.  He was so excited about everything--the balloons, the cake, the presents, the gifts, the preschool treats, the dinner at McDonald's, etc.  He is at such a fun age and his enthusiasm about everything is so contagious and fun to watch.  I am so grateful that we were blessed with this special boy four years ago and am so grateful for all of the joy, laughter, and happiness that he has brought to our family.  Here is a blow-by-blow of Emmett's 4th birthday celebrations from the last few days...

Since Ella had gymnastics practice on Emmett's actual birthday and my parents love the opportunity to attend a grandchild's birthday on a weekend night without rush hour traffic, we opted to have his party on Sunday, January. 8th.  Emmett did not mind opening up his gifts a few days early!  Here is my sweet boy posing with his gifts before the party began.

We enjoyed a dinner of pork chops, mac 'n chees, broccoli, rolls, deviled eggs, Caeser salad, and fruit punch.  Emmett was so excited to eat in the dining room on the special, red plate.

The gang ready to eat dinner!  Unfortunately, my dad had to cancel last minute due to a health issue, so my mom came alone.  Emmett did have the chance to talk to him over the phone before dinner while sitting on his stool patiently waiting at the dining table.  After explaining to my dad that his real birthday was in a few days, he happily informed him that he would just "sit here and wait for four days."  We all thought that this comment was so funny as we all know that would never happen!

After dinner, Emmett was able to open up his gifts.  He was so excited!  Here he is opening up a gift wrapped like a large candy...

that was really a pail of bath tub crayons and paint inside!

Emmett tearing out the tissue of a gift bag that had a soft pair of Spiderman pajamas and bathrobe inside.

Emmett was so excited about his super soft Spiderman jammies and robe that he totally hugged them like they were a blanket.  It was so funny!

Emmett's biggest gift of all was a scooter that comes with two wheels in front which makes it easier to balance on and ride.  He was so excited that he immediately began riding it around the house.

Emmett opening up grandma's gift of a new outfit and books.

Emmett currently loves watching a few different shows on Disney Plus and one of his favorite shows is called "Puppy Dog Pals."  As a result, I made a cake and ordered balloons that were from this show.  Emmett was so excited about his cake and the fact that his name was on it!

Getting ready to sing "Happy Birthday" to Emmett!

Blowing out his candles!

The birthday boy posing with Ella and Logan before eating his cake.

Emmett munching away!

On Tuesday, January 10th, Emmett brought homemade sugar cookies with blue frosting and sprinkles to share with his classmates in his preschool class.  Here he is getting ready to head inside the Lutheran church before school carrying his Tupperware container of cookies.

On Wednesday, January 11th, we started off Emmett's actual birthday with our traditional breakfast of waffles with whipped cream, strawberries, and sprinkles.

After swim lessons, we went and picked up Emmett's good friend, Luke, to take him to play at the bouncy house place in the mall.  The boys had a good time playing together for an hour.

Emmett and Luke.

I then took the boys to the food court to eat lunch and a little cake that I had purchased the day before.  The boys liked it so much that they each ate two pieces!

After dropping Luke off, we came home for nap time.  I then took the three other children to McDonald's for dinner which is a rare treat since we usually only eat dinner at this restaurant when we are out of town.  We then drove to Lia's theater to watch their company cast put on a shortened version of Peter Pan.  We got there early and had front row seats and Emmett loved watching every minute of it!  Unfortunately, Ella had gymnastics and had to miss the entire evening which made her so sad.  She probably asked me twenty different times if she could skip practice to come with us.

Emmett enjoying his chocolate milk on his real birthday evening!  We love you, Emmy Bems!  Thanks for being the cutest, funnest, and funniest 4-year old boy we could have ever asked for.  We love you so much!

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