Sunday, March 1, 2020

Girls' Trip to See Frozen on Broadway!

After seeing an advertisement on TV this past fall about the Disney Broadway production of Frozen coming to town, I quickly made a few phone calls to family members before jumping online and purchasing some tickets to go see it the last weekend in February.  Since Ella is now old enough to attend a Broadway production, I was able to buy a ticket for her in addition to Lia, my mom, sister-in-law, and niece.  After keeping it a secret for several months, I 'gave' the girls their tickets as one of their Valentine's Day gifts.  They both were so surprised and exciting after opening up the envelope.
We met my mom and niece, Vivi, in Bellevue yesterday at 12:30 so that we could all drive into Seattle together.  After fighting the horrible traffic that now always seems to be in Seattle and paying $30 to park (ugh!), we walked down to the theater where we met Natalee.  It was so cute to see crowds of little girls all dressed up in fancy dresses or Elsa dresses flowing towards the theater with their parents or grandparents at their side.  Ella was so excited to go and I just had so much fun being at her side before and during this show.   The Broadway production was spectacular and we thoroughly enjoyed everything about it from the sets to the costumes to the music to the special effects.  It was so fun to see how they transferred this beloved story from the movie screen onto the stage.  When it was all said and done and the stage had gone dark, Ella turned to me and said, "I don't ever want it to end!"  How adorable is that?!

The Frozen marquee outside the Paramount Theater.

The girls standing in front of the Frozen poster with changing images of various characters from the play.

My girls and me.

Grandma, Vivi, my girls, and me, waiting to go into the theater to find our seats.

Lia, Ella, and Vivi.

Natalee, Vivi, and Lia sitting in their seats waiting for the show to begin.

Grandma and Ella.

Since we got seated with several minutes to spare before the play began, I decided to do something that I have never done before and took Ella to the kiosk to purchase the dolls that they were selling. I just couldn't resist buying them for Ella since these dolls are hand's down the cutest versions of an Elsa and Anna doll that I have ever seen for sale (and I have seen a lot of versions).  I decided to splurge and buy one doll for Ella to have now and one doll to give to her for her birthday in a month.  She was so excited and played with them throughout the entire production (when she wasn't looking through the binoculars that I had borrowed from my friend).  Here is my cute girl posing with her new dolls.

After the show was over, we made a quick exit out of the theater and walked briskly to the Cheesecake Factory that is a few blocks away.  We managed to beat a horrendous crowd that came into the restaurant from the theater about five minutes after us which allowed us to get seated within 20 minutes.  We enjoyed a delicious early dinner before dropping Natalee off at the ferry terminal and heading back to Bellevue where the girls and I were able to go shopping for Logan's baptism gifts at Dessert Books before heading home.  We pulled into our garage after being gone for eight hours to a happy, baby Emmett who did a little jig when we walked in the door.  This is the longest that Emmett and I have ever been apart since he was born and I was so relieved to see that he was still doing okay when we got home at his bedtime!

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