Monday, March 16, 2020

Cancelling Everything and Covid-19

Well, it's hard to believe, but it actually happened.  After the Covid-19 virus was first introduced in our country in Washington state by a man returning from China back in January, our governor officially shut down most of our life in a press conference last Thursday.  After reading and hearing about this growing and spreading virus for weeks in January and February, I never really took it seriously.  It is similar to the flu except that it is brand new and can cause the elderly and those in poor health to die.  After the virus killed its first victim (a man in his 50s who lives in Kent) on February 29th, I started to take it seriously.  Within a matter of days, after-school activities and church meetings were cancelled.  A few days later, school was cancelled for a minimum of six weeks!  I must say that his has really thrown me for a loop.  I just did not expect anything like this to happen.  I am really frustrated, upset, and stressed by the seemingly endless list of wonderful things being cancelled from our lives and especially about my children missing out on so many weeks of educational instruction that they will not be required to make up at the end of the school year.  I worry every day about how they will be ready for school next Fall after missing so many days of school.  In addition, my entire life has been flipped upside down as I am now a full-time mom of four children who will depend on me for everything--their education, their exercise, their activities, their socializing, etc.  Although I LOVE being a 'fun mom' during the summer and during all school vacations, I am very much a taking-care-of-business mom during the school year.  I like working on my projects every day while the kids are at school and checking items off of my to-do list.  So, it has been a bit of an adjustment to say the least to have my schedule completely thrown out the door.  Needless to say, we are all trying to make the most of it and are hoping and praying every day that this virus will get contained and under control in our country in the weeks to come.  In the meantime, we will continue to pray for our own health and hope that we don't all go crazy!

Here is a picture of the three older kids working on their home school assignments for the first time ever today.  My goal is to have them all work on a reading/writing and a math assignment every day.  I know that this isn't even close to what they would be accomplishing at school, but it's better than nothing.

Also, just for the record, here is a list of things that have been cancelled from our lives as a result of this virus:
Ella's weekly ballet class
Ella's weekly gymnastic class
All three children's 8-week swim lesson session that was supposed to start on March 14th
Logan's and Lia's weekly church activity
Lia's weekly voice lesson
Lia's Girl Scout activities
Lia's spring track season at school
Our Sunday church meetings
Logan's end-of-the-season basketball party
Ella's friend birthday party
Logan's first time snowboarding as Ron had scheduled to take Lia and Logan up to the pass one more time on March 21st
The Spring Fair where Ella's artwork had been chosen to be on display with other students from the district at the Honoring Cultures Diversity Celebration.  This is the FIRST time that one of our children has been chosen to display artwork at the Spring Fair in the seven years that we have had a child attending public school.

Big Events that are still an unknown:
Our one and only big family trip of 2020 to Hawaii that is scheduled for Spring Break
Spencer's wedding in Utah on April 24
Our family camping trip over Memorial Day Weekend

And just to finish this post trying to focus on the bright side, I am so very grateful that Lia was able to complete her entire ski school season on February 22nd and also was able to go one more time with Ron on March 7th.  I am also so relieved that the girls and I were able to go see Frozen on Broadway on February 29th as this event was such a special experience.  I am also so happy that Logan was able to complete his entire 3.5 months basketball season just in the nick of time by playing in his last game on march 7th.  And, although this isn't as a big of a deal, I am also glad that Lia was able to finish her Girl Scout cookie sales on March 10th just before Governor Inslee started shutting everything down.

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