Tuesday, March 17, 2020

St. Patrick's Day!

Although I feel like our world has turned upside down in the past few days, our leprechaun, Lucky, managed to pay a visit to our house last night.  As in previous years, he made a bit of a mess scattering gold coins and shamrocks everywhere, peeing green in the toilet, and leaving little pots of gold and a box of Lucky Charms for the children to enjoy for breakfast.  Ella and Logan were the most excited to run downstairs this morning to check everything out.  The funniest part was finding the note from Lucky stating that he had come down with Clover-19 (instead of Clovid-19) and that he didn't feel like he should touch the children while they were sleeping.  As a result, he did not draw large, green, smiley faces on their tummies this year which was a bit of a bummer for the kids.  Here's to hoping that both Clover-19 and Clovid-19 will be long gone by next year and that our lives will be back to normal!

The kids posing with their little pots of gold (Rolo candies) in front of the table where Lucky had left all of their treats.

A close-up of the note that Lucky left behind for the kids explaining why they didn't find smiley faces drawn on their tummies this year.  Believe it or not, Logan was actually the one who came up with the idea of Clover-19 the other night and expressed his concern about Lucky not coming if he caught it.  What a funny boy!

Ella standing next to the toilet with Lucky's green pee in it!

We finished off St. Patty's day with our traditional dinner in the dining room of corned beef, potatoes, and cabbage with green punch and shamrock shaped sugar cookies for dessert.

The kids and Ron ready to dive in to our green dinner!

Sweet baby Emmett gobbling up every bite of his St. Patrick's Day dinner.

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