Saturday, June 15, 2024

Celebrating an Early Father's Day

Since our children's theater decided months ago to host their annual awards ceremony on Father's Day, I realized that we would need to celebrate Ron a day early this year.  Luckily, he was fine with that and so the kids and I wrapped his gift, signed his card, and prepared his meal for Saturday instead of Sunday this weekend.  Par Ron's request, we had a steak dinner with all of the fixings and then watched him open up several little gifts that Emmett had made for him in addition to his one big gift, a generator for the camper and our house, which is something that he has wanted for years.  It was a simple evening, but I am grateful for the opportunity that we had to celebrate Ron and all that he does for us in the midst of another busy weekend in June.

The kids and Ron sitting around our dining room table before starting dinner.

All four kids gathered around Ron as he began opening his gifts.

Emmett watching on as Ron reads our family card.

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