Friday, June 7, 2024

Ella's End-of-the-Season Gymnastics Party

Ella and I headed out tonight to spend the evening in Tacoma with her gymnastics team at the end-of-season party at the Rainiers' baseball game at Cheney Stadium.  Just like last year, we lucked out with a a beautiful, sunny evening and had a great time.  We got there early so that we could watch the program that is put on by the booster club.  Ella was able to go down to the platform to have her picture taken with the rest of the Level 3 gymnasts who were there.  We then spent the next several hours eating dinner, talking to friends, and spending time on the playground.  Ella had a great time being with so many of her close friends who showed up for this event with their families.  Since we arrived at 4:30, I managed to last for four hours before pulling Ella away before the game ended in order to beat the crowds and to try to get Ella to bed before 10 p.m. since she has practice at 9 a.m. tomorrow morning.  Although allowing Ella to participate on Ascend's competitive gymnastics team is a massive financial sacrifice and time commitment for us, I am so grateful for all of the incredible experiences she has had and the wonderful friends that she has made being on this team the past two years.  Ella's gym has become a home away from home for her and her gymnast friends have become some of her closest friends at this time of her life.
Ella and the rest of the Level 3 gymnasts standing on the platform during the afternoon program.

Ella enjoying dinner on the hillside after getting her face painted with friends  Ava and Brookelynn.

After the program and dinner, Ella spent most of the evening playing on the amazing playground with several of her friends.  Since I have zero interest in watching baseball, I was happy to hang out with some other moms while watching our girls perform their gymnastics tricks and pose for pictures.  Here are Ella, Ava, and Brookelyn posing for me before doing a back walkover.

Brookelynn, Ava, Ella, and Kinzie hanging from the bars.

All four girls making a heart with their arms.

A group of Ella's Level 3 friends posing in front of the baseball field before the game began.

Ella's dear friend, Ella, came late to the party, but was still able to join Ella for some cotton candy and more play time on the playground.

Ella posing with her favorite and beloved Coach Chad during the game.  Chad coached Ella on vault during her Level 2 year and on floor during her Level 3 year.

Coach Chad and his wife, Kelly, (who coaches Ella on bars) posing with Ella, the other Ella, and Ava while Coach Kelsey photo bombs the picture.  Coach Kelsey has been Ella's head coach for Level 2 and 3 and has coached her on beam both years.

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