Monday, June 24, 2024

Emmett Riding a Big Boy Bike

On June 16th, Ron took Emmett's training wheels off of his big boy bike that he had only been riding for a few weeks this spring.  Although I thought it was a little too soon to be doing this, Ron decided to take off his training wheels while the girls and I were at the annual awards ceremony for NWTL.  While we were gone, Ron worked with Emmett for about 30 minutes on the sports court to help him get the feel of balancing while riding his bike.  No one remembered to tell me about this, so when I looked out the kitchen window the next evening, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Emmett riding around the sports court in circles without his training wheels on.  Although he kept on having to stop to catch his balance, he was doing a great job, especially since no one was helping him!  Fast forward a week and Emmett has now totally figured it out.  He is riding his bike everywhere and anywhere without any assistance from Ron and me.  In fact, the only help he ever got was that first evening from Ron last week.  I have never seen this before as all three of our older children needed help from us for several days before they felt comfortable and competent enough to just try riding their bike around on their own.  It has been amazing to watch Emmett's desire to learn as he has practiced every day without anyone encouraging him and has practiced on his own without any help.  He is so coordinated and brave.  Being a fourth child really does make a difference!  Well done, Emmy!  I am so proud of you.

Emmett cruising down the sidewalk in front of our house.

There he goes!  My big, 5-year old riding down the sidewalk of our street.

Giving me a big grin as he rides into our driveway.

Emmett has already mastered the art of riding over grass which is not an easy thing to do at first.

My cutie posing for me with a big, thumb's up!

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