Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Pinewood Derby for Ella & Emmett

For the third summer in a row, the primary presidency hosted a Pinewood Derby race for all of the children in our ward between the ages of 8 to 11 years old, plus any younger siblings who wanted to participate.  Since Ron was busy with Logan's all-day track meet the first Saturday in June and Logan's 6th grade camp the second Saturday in June, he only had the time to make one car instead of two.  Ella kindly agreed to use her car from last year that had actually won 3rd place with the hopes that it would race well again this year.  Ron then spent several week night hours working on making Emmett a very cool-shaped, red race car.  When we showed up tonight to for the actual event, Ron helped Emmett name his car Reddie Van Halen (since it is red) and Ella's car, Metallica (since it is silver).  As always, the kids had a great time racing their cars in several heats throughout the evening.  Both Ella's and Emmett's cars did really well and advanced to the end.  Sadly, Ella's car got eliminated, but Emmett's made it to the final round and came in 3rd place overall, which meant he got a trophy!  We thought it was fun coincidence that both Ella and Emmett came in 3rd place in back to back years.  

Ella and Emmett posing next to the darling "parking lot" board where everyone keeps their cars when not racing.

A group photo of all of the primary kids competing in the derby before it began.

Emmett had a great time sitting next to his good friends, Evie and Isaac, during all of the races.

Ella enjoyed being with her two friends, Madelyn and Gracie.

A happy Emmett flashing me a smile after winning one of his heats.

Justin releasing the cars in a heat that both Ella's and Emmett's cars were racing in.

Emmett getting his trophy from me after the derby was over.

The proud winner showing off his awesome car and trophy.

Another shot of Emmett with his car and trophy with some of the fun decorations around him.  
Way to go, Emmett!

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