Monday, June 17, 2024

Shaw Road Awards Assemblies

We received two emails a few weeks ago inviting us to attend the 4th and 6th grade assemblies the last week of school due to both Ella and Logan receiving awards.  Luckily, Ron was able to slip away from work two times today to join Emmett and me at both assemblies.  We were able to watch Logan first receive a character award for creativity and a Silver President's Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement at his assembly, and then Ella receive a character award for courage at her assembly.  We are so proud of both of our elementary age kiddos and the hardworking, respectful students that they have always been since they first walked through the doors of this school many years ago.  

Since our school no longer does a special celebration for 6th graders, some of the 6th grade moms came to the school over the weekend and "chalked the walk" in front of the building.  It was so fun to see all of the beautiful drawings and pictures that they drew with chalk.  I was so surprised when I saw "Congrats Class of 2030" written on the sidewalk as I sadly have never thought about what year Logan will graduate from high school.  What a cool sounding year that is!

Here is another drawing I had to take a picture of as Oh, the Places You'll Go! is one of my favorite Dr. Suess books.  I can't wait to see where Logan will go in the years to come.

Logan's 6th grade assembly was first in the day.  Here he is standing with the other 6th graders who received a character award for creativity.  The message that Logan's teacher wrote on his award says, "Logan shows his peers every day how creativity extends beyond the arts.  He routinely thinks outside the box to infuse any discussion or academic area with diverse perspectives.  Known for his wild imagination, Logan's peers are always inspired by him."

Logan and several of the other 6th graders holding up their Silver President's Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement.

"Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2030!"

Logan posing with Emmett and his two certificates after the assembly was over.  Just as with Lia, I have absolutely loved Logan attending this elementary school for the past seven years.  With the exception of the pandemic stealing the last three months of his 2nd grade year and over half of his 3rd grade year, he has had one wonderful experience after another at this school with teachers, classmates, and friends.  He transitioned so smoothly into the Quest program this year and came to love his teacher and many new friends that he made in this class.  Part of me is so sad that he is leaving this school to enter the scary world of junior high school, but I know that I can't keep him in this bubble forever and will just focus on the amazing blessing of having his father as his principal for the next three years.

Emmett and I came home for an hour before turning around and heading back down to the school to attend Ella's 4th grade assembly.  Here she is standing in line after getting her award.

Ella and the rest of the 4th graders who received the character award for courage.  The message that Ella's teacher wrote on her award said, "Ella has the confidence to stay active in many activities.  Ella is a brave actress, gymnast, and student.  She is so outgoing both in and out of the classroom."

Ella proudly posing with Emmett after her assembly was over.

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